
本帖最后由 灰胖 于 2014-4-29 22:06 编辑





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"Han second put a hand and said:" I have no way, the patient did not come, I can't just give you the recipe, you or go back." Two dogs to see Han second and want to catch him, took out fifty dollars from his pocket on the Kang, he didn't even look at a glance, he took out fifty dollars, said: "Doc is not good, I will not blame you, if you like, I will thank you to special process,Camo Jay Cutler Jersey, and give you a $five hundred bonus, you rest assured, I mean what I say." Han second Heartbeat, softened, said: "Alas,Major Wright Kids Jersey, who call my heart so soft, so I'll give you a recipe,Bears #34 Jerseys, I just use this recipe about a person's eyes, you go back first." The second said Han, find the sheet in half and half of a pencil, write a few lines, to the two dogs, said: "to find a few scorpion, few snake spider (house lizard) dry after the inquiry into powder, mixing with honey, made of plaster, stick on the eyelids, if no accident, half month can well, half a month is not in use, the eyes will not rule." Two dogs took the sheet in half a look, with great care to pocket, said: "Doc, thank you so much, if my sister-in-law's eyes look, I will give you a red packet, and send you a banner, that good, I will not stay, to hurry back for these two things." Two dogs left Han second home, he managed to find a recipe, just want to hurry up and go home, as soon as possible to the peach to eyes,Limited Matt Forte Jersey, now the sun is in the west, he left home in the morning is eat, is hungry and thirsty, go all the way, two legs like a pipe. Lead as heavy, really want to find a place to rest,Cheap Jermon Bushrod Youth Jersey, but the thought of peach, his body is full of power. Two the dog looked up at the sun, and thinking of his original road if return, go back to the town in the back of peach ditch, it should be around a long way to go to, that night, he is now anxious to return, hate not immediately rush to go home, he spotted a direction, a Jew Yu after they decided to take a shortcut, so can save half of the journey. Two the dog turned into a path, go after half an hour, the road is not the end of the road, behind a bush, two dog can't find the way, a little regret their own greed drive time, come to here, but two dogs growing up in the mountains, as long as can identify the direction, he is not afraid to go out in the deep mountains and forests. Two the dog up, hands pushing the thorn bush walk. Two dogs go today, peaches began Hung Up up, her two dogs to find the charlatans has no hope, doctors are not good looking, just a quack can good? But the two dog insisted on going, she advised him, also cannot bear him, let him go. And at meal time, peach thinking about two dogs did you eat anything? He is now in where? Find the quacks now? Is not to find it does not matter, don't hungry. When the afternoon, Chinese date came, the day she went to two dogs to help them wash their clothes with two dogs that bad, go back and regret, blame yourself when the mouth is too fast, to this.

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