

我的葡7是15年中在扭腰买的,最近几个月放在家里,出现了3次在还有3、4天左右动力的情况下,自己停了。每次发现后,只要晃动几下,或者手动上弦几下, 又会继续走了。

我蛮担心是不是机芯坏了。虽然联保,但是毕竟新表,舍不得拆啊检查啊神马的。于是我昨天跟IWC的Sales Associate邮件联系了(他人很好,买完后还经常问使用情况,了解并收集反馈,很负责)。






Good Morning Mr. Liu,


Everything is going well here, and I hope it is the same with you.  I think I know what is going on with your watch as I have seen this before with that model.  I asked the watchmaker to provide an explanation which I have included below.  It is very detailed.  To state it simply, your watch actually has a longer power supply than 7-Days, and if not wound fully this can result in errors with the display.  To solve this, once you wind your watch from a dead stop until the indicator shows 7-Days, keep winding 20-30 winds and your problem will be solved.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Best Regards,



From the Watchmaker:


The 5007 has the new 52xxx movement instead of the 50xxx and 51xxx. All of these have a barrel that has a theoretical power reserve of 8 days. With the 50 and 51 movements, there was an additional mechanism that would physically stop the watch after 7 days. This is due to the fact that after the 7th day the power can drop dramatically and cause the watch to run out of specifications. With the 52, this mechanism was taken out to lower production times. The 52 has a power reserve of 8 days and can run about that long but the hand on the power reserve indication will never go past 0. When the watch is wound again, it will immediately begin to move the PR hand, even if it has run hours past 7 days. When the PR hand reaches full it will stop there, even if the barrel is not fully wound. If you stop winding there, then it is likely that the barrel is actually short 1 whole day and the watch may not reach 0 if it is not wound during the 7 days. If you continue to wind the watch just to the 7 and stop, over time the power reserve will continue to appear shorter and shorter, when actually it is never being fully wound in the first place.


In short:

-The power reserve is actually 8 days to make sure there is enough power to run accurately for 7.

                -The power reserve only shows 7 days (because that is the number of days we can guarantee accuracy).

                -After the watch has run down fully, if you stop winding at 7 the barrel has not reached full power (8 days) and the watch can stop early on the last day.

                -Each time you stop winding at 7 after the watch has fully wound down, the error is increased.

                -To correct this issue, when the PR hand reaches 7, keep winding. Get a feel for about how many turns it takes to make the hand move a full day.

NOTE: you cannot over wind an automatic watch.




这段时间发现没有这个问题了==//@a84739183  发表时间:2天前 :葡7的机芯到底靠不靠谱啊。。。


不想各位大大好多表换着戴,目前只有这块表,是参加工作时老爸送的。正在攒工资,自己努力买一块不锈钢的水鬼啊什么的,平时戴不用心疼T^T//@avr  发表时间:10个小时前 :

//@无双暮 :有钱的老爸,送葡7。。。

没有没有,只因为是人生重大阶段,咬牙提高预算的。感恩感恩!//@a84739183  发表时间:41分钟前 ://@无双暮 :有钱的老爸,送葡7。。。


so cooooool!!!!!!//@luarabaron  发表时间:1天前 :


//@爱表的上海人  发表时间:4个小时前 :来学习一下

单发条盒的硬伤//@danielzhang  发表时间:2016-06-01 22:00 :我也不懂,只是觉得这就是故障//@无双暮  发表时间:11天前 :求指导!//@danielzhan

可说呢==//@DanielXu  发表时间:1天前 :单发条盒的硬伤//@danielzhang  发表时间:2016-06-01 22:00 :我也不懂